Kotaro celebrated his 4th birthday with a gorgeous, hand-selected buffet of his favorite foods that was spread out on the clothed dining room table. Kotaro hopped onto a chair and curiously viewed all the treats that were awaiting him before happily picking his favorite bites to eat. When Kotaro was full to his satifaction, his sister Hana was brought in to have her fill and help Kotaro open presents. He appropriately received an OtterBox iPhone case, because otters love to chew on things and an Otterbox was a perfect gift.. Kotaro also got a new necktie and a pair of sunglasses. These Otters are popular pets in asia. Asian small-clawed otters are increasingly popular as novelty pets, particularly in Japan. These two otters have tens of thousands of followers on YouTube and Instagram…..What out of the ordinary pet have you owned?…..Ed

Social media star and adorable pet otter named Kotaro celebrated his 4th birthday with buffet
Nov 19, 2021 | 6:48 AM