“Love Trees” are made of two different types of trees– one growing out of another. They’re impossible to separate (well, technically you can’t separate them without killing both, which is pretty morbid). Hence the legend that if you kiss someone beneath a Love Tree, the two of you will seal your love for all eternity and be together forever, in all seriousness, it’s kind of a cool-looking, rare phenomenon found all throughout the historical city of St. Augustine Florida. Generally, it’s a sable palm growing out of the heart of an old oak tree, although that’s not always the case. Not a lot of scientific research has been done on why this phenomenon occurs at all, let alone so frequently in this particular city. There are at least seven Love Trees across the city, and setting out to kiss your significant other under all of them seems like a quirky date idea for Valentine Day. One of the Love Trees is “The Old Senator”, and it’s at least 600 years old! That means that it was alive when Ponce de Leon discovered Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth….. Ed
Source: Anna Hider/ Photo:Trover