There was a survey of young people in February about how Gen Z do laundry. It found that 69% were confident they know how to do it, which leaves a surprising 31% who are not. But worst, it found that two out of three young people avoid wearing their favorite clothes because they don’t want to ruin them in the wash. Which begs the question of do they really know how to wash it properly?
The survey conducted in February 2022 looked at how 2,000 millennials and Gen Z’ers do their laundry. Sixty-nine percent are convinced they know how to do laundry correctly, although there’s a slight difference in opinion when it comes to separating clothes. Many believe the right way to separate laundry is by white and colors (29%), while 26 percent insist that light and dark is the way to go — and 22 percent do both.
What both generations can agree on is using dryer sheets, since three in four think they’re must-haves to reduce static. Over half say delicate bags are necessary for protecting clothes against harsh washer and dryer settings (55%). Most young laundry-doers rely on fabric softener to keep their clothes soft and wrinkle-free (68%), and another 60 percent add in-wash scent boosters for extra freshness.