Q: The average person has 5 of these and they could be negatively affecting their health and mental health. What are they?
A: Secrets that they have never told a soul.
The average person has 13 secrets, 5 of which they have not told anyone.
Q: The average person has 5 of these and they could be negatively affecting their health and mental health. What are they?
A: Secrets that they have never told a soul.
The average person has 13 secrets, 5 of which they have not told anyone.
Scientists have found that the burden of having secrets can affect you in ways you might have never considered – some people actually feel physically heavier when they’re burdened with a secret, and that extra ‘weight’ can skew how you navigate your surroundings.
“People have this curious way of talking about secrets as laying them down or unburdening them,” lead researcher, Michael Slepian, a professor of management at Columbia Business School, told The Atlantic.
“We found that when people were thinking about their secrets, they actually acted as if they were burdened by physical weight. It seems to have this powerful effect even when they’re not hiding a secret in the moment.”