Q: The average person does this 10 times a day and those over 55 do it more than other age groups. What are they doing?
A: Checking social media apps.
The survey found that the typical social media user spends 10 to 20 minutes on an app after opening it. With 56% of respondents claiming they log onto Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, and other networks more than 10 times per day, that means half of America could be spending more than three hours of their day on the networks.
So who is using social media the most?
It’s easy to associate social media with millennials (aged 18 to 34), but would you believe it if we told you baby boomers check Facebook more frequently than any other age group? The survey fund that 93% of adults over 55 log onto the social media app every day, compared to just 85% of millennials.