Q: The average Canadian car owner does this 3 times a month. What is it?
A: Get their car washed.
Q: The average Canadian car owner does this 3 times a month. What is it?
A: Get their car washed.
Canadian households with a car indicate that during a typical year, their cars are washed on average 3 times per month (mean 3.03).
The average number of monthly car washes across the country is: Ontario (4.06), Quebec (2.70), Saskatchewan/Manitoba (2.57), Atlantic Canada (2.43), Alberta (2.30) and British Columbia (1.90).
The average number of monthly car washes between household income groups is: $60,000+ (3.47), $30,000 to $59,999 (3.07), less than $30,000 (2.33).