
Listen to Win a Fixed Gear Date Night

LITE 92 and Fixed Gear Brewing Company want to send you on a DATE NIGHT full of laughs and food! 

Listen to The Drive Home with Kathy Wall EVERY TUESDAY between 4pm and 5pm during March for the Fixed Gear Date Night cue-to-text.

Once you hear it, text “DATE” and your name to 519-759-4212 for your chance to win a Date Night special courtesy of Fixed Gear Brewing Company.

Fixed Gear Date Night Special

  • A pair of tickets to Yuk Yuk’s On Tour Standup Comedy

  • 2 Pizzas

  • And more Fixed Gear prizes!

No purchase is necessary. The contest starts at 4:00 p.m. EST on March 4, 2025 and closes at 5:00 p.m. EST on March 25, 2025. Open to legal residents of Ontario, Canada who have reached the age of majority in their place of residence. Some restrictions apply. The odds of winning a prize will depend upon the number of eligible entries received during the applicable entry period. The winner can not have won with Evanov Communications within 30 days of their first prize date. Please note we will NOT be asking for any credit card information or any other personal information that is not required to administer the contest. The approximate prize value is $60.00.